- Logic circuit formed by combinational of logic circuit. Logic gates are connected together to produce a specified output
- Various combinations of input values can determine the combinational logic circuit’s output
- Boolean algebra provides a concise way to express the operation of combinational logic circuit
It can be defined in three way :
1. Truth table – A truth table shows how a logic circuit's output responds to various combinations of the inputs, using logic 1 for true and logic 0 for false

2. Graphical symbols- The layout of connected gates that represent the logic gates.

3. Boolean equation – A combinational logic circuit can be described by a Boolean equation
Can be represented in two forms :
i. SOP ( Sum Of Product ) –
• When two or more product terms are summed by Boolean addition.
ii. POS (Product Of Sum )
• When two or more product terms are multiplied by Boolean multiplication.
Two ways to simplify Boolean equation
i. Laws of Boolean algebra – A set of rules for symbolic manipulation are needed in order to simplify Boolean expression.

Example :

ii. Karnaugh Map (K-Map) – Comprise a box / grid for every line in the truth table.
- Straight forward method of minimizing Boolean expression.
- The diagram below illustrates the correspondence between K-Map and the truth table for the general case of two variables.

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